Dear Umair, please snap out of it. We all got the message that the situation is dire, indeed apocalyptic. Our chance to get out of it is very small indeed. However, humans do not realize the total agency of their capacity. The trouble we are in is completely mind-made, so the way to get out of it is also mind-made. So, let us now start to imagine a path out of this mess. If it fails, tough luck, we tried, if it works, we have have been instrumental in saving the future for our kids. We do not start a fight because we know we are going to win it but because it is the moral thing to do. So talk to me, we need to find the courage in the face of overwhelming odds against us to do what we can to turn this around. We have the solutions, we have enough people who are desperate to support the quest. So let's get cracking at solutions, let us imagine a way out of here. I have done so, got a plan. You have described the problem very well, but now we need to focus on getting us out of this mess a.s.a.p. The longer we wait, the smaller the closing window of opportunity. Looking forward to talking to, Thank you, Rob