Hello Nevil, thank you for your comment. The problem is one of perception: the scientific paradigm does not allow to see the intentionality of nature to create solutions, although it has accepted that as Darwinism with individual species, but not with biomes, let alone with a living planet. The intuitive truth that water cools and forests create their own micro climate is obvious. Once you start to understand to understand the Earth as a living being with all its properties and you look at species and biomes as regulators of the well being of the whole planet, perspective changes. Look at the planet as a living being like your own body, the living atmosphere as a skin, life operating as an incredibly smart agent to create the conditions for life to thrive, becomes obvious. How has it used the Earth's magnetism, ozon, the tidal waves of the moon. Forests make rain and wind and clouds and export heat, especially in the tropics. It is what you would expect if you look at them as organs of a living planet.